The Chess board’s tale
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Said Chess — with all its war and glory
I’ll tell you a great grand story.
Chaturanga was my name in the olden days
My fame spreading across hills and bays.
This game is a 2-player
Main pieces protected by 8 pawn layer.
Nobody can decide a game’s fate,
Until 1 player loses and other says — “Checkmate”.
Great players decorated their fame through me,
Bobby Fischer, Wilhelm Steinitz and Paul Morphy.
Queen attacks all around and Bishops strike diagonally
While the Rook says “Use me horizontally and vertically” !
Oh, no ! The pawn’s about to promote
It’ll say “I’m a queen, there’s no antidote”.
Knights attacked and defended in an “L”,
Raising their heads high, with honour they fell.
The King is the laziest piece of all
If he isn’t alert, he’ll surely fall.
All eyes on the board are on the King
Checkmate is at his doorbell ring !
All chess players need to analyze
Bishop’s worth 3 points and Rook’s worth five.
Try Sicilian defence or King’s gambit,
The gymnasium of the mind, will keep you fit !
- Vivvaan Bajpayee