Tour of the World
A tour of the world, is what I need -
In a globe, I might seem like a bead.
People — it has more than 7 billion
With monuments by a million !
The Eiffel tower — 1062 feet
Architecture of this building is neat !
Italy houses the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Several places like Costa Rica !
Different cultures in every place -
Many people exploring space.
Several kind people we have seen -
Yet, some are so mean !
Countries date back to millenia
People and lives filled with euphoria.
Technology dominates the world
Many species of birds !
To the Artic circle — go North
Winds make you rock, back and forth !
South towards Antartica
Railway stations and a spa !
Can’t wait to explore the Earth
My greatest dream, since my birth !
- Vivvaan Bajpayee