World Humanitarian Day
19th August is World Humanitarian day. Humanitarian means being compassionate towards other humans.
We must be compassionate to everyone around us, especially the people with lesser privileges.
Everyone has a self respect and should be valued. Dignity is the respect we have for ourselves and show for others.
We often treat people with less dignity due to their gender, age, caste, belief, economy and abilities.
Several people like leather workers, potters, farmers, barbers, cattle rearers, weavers and dhobis are not treated equally or in other words, they are not treated with dignity.
turning the pot tilling the land is a book sharing insights on what such people do for us and what we do to them in return. Many people are discriminated, forced into labour and even shunned from existence. This book details on their livelihood and the dignity we show them. It also goes on to mention that children should be brought up not only to respect labour but to acquire the skills like carpentry, weaving, farming and others.
As children, let us do our part to make this world a fair and better place for everyone. After-all, that makes us HUMANS !